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Life of Swami VIvekanand

Swami Vivekanand is an idol for so many youngsters in India and across the globe. Life of Swami Vivekanand is full of lessons and inspiring incidents, so let's learn more about Swami Vivekanand his life, thoughts, lessons and his achievements

The real name of Swami Vivekanand was Narendranath and he was born in a Bengali family of Calcutta on 12th Jan 1863. Narendranath was a scholar student at the school and was also good at Music and Sports. By the time he graduated he had collected vast knowledge on various subjects. He was fond of reading, He had read Bhagwad Geeta, Upanishads and Ramayana, on the other hand, he had also read western philosophy and history. So, Being a graduate he had collected a vast knowledge of different subjects.

  • Childhood     

When Narendranath was 8 years old he was used to play with his friends. They used to climb the tree and play there, But the landlord wanted to prevent them from doing this. So the Landlord told the children that there is a ghost on the tree which appears at night. All the children left the tree fearing from the ghost, But when Landlord left Narendranath again started climbing the tree. When his friends warned him for the ghost he laughed and told that don't believe everything people say, If there would have been a ghost, It had eaten me earlier. So the traits of greatness started showing in Narendranath from the childhood.

  • Meeting with Ramakrishna
The boy Narendranath was obsessed with the fact of seeing the God. He contacted many Philosophers, Saints, Monks But nobody was able to cherish his aspiration. This search took him to Dakshineshwar, Where Shree Ramkrishna Paramhansa lived in a Kali temple. Narendranath took attention of Ramakrishna on the very first glance while he was sitting there with his friends. On that day Narendranath sang few songs which impressed Ramakrishna. On the second meeting when he got the opportunity he asked Ramakrishna "Sir, Have you seen God?". Without any hesitation, Ramakrishna replied "Yes, I have seen God. I have seen him more tangibly then I see you. I have talked to him more intimately then I am talking with you. But my child who wants to see God! People shed tears for money, wife, and children, But  if they weep for God only once, they will surely see God." Narendranath knew this wasn't a philosophical imagination, this man was genuine. Narendranath started visiting Dakshineswar regularly and later left all the worldly desires and became a student of Shree Ramakrishna Paramhansa.

  • Narendranath became Vivekanand
Ramakrishna was suffering from throat cancer, Narendranath and other devotees served him in his last days. But after Ramakrishna's death, some devotees left the path Ramakrishna showed and left the Ashram. Now, It wasn't easy to pay rent and overcome other expenses of Ashram in Calcutta. Narendranath found an old house with law rent in Baranagar which later became the first building of 'Ramakrishna Ashram'.On the Christmas eve of 1886, Narendranath with Eight other disciples took formal monastic vows. Narendranath took name "Vivekanand". After that Swami Vivekanand traveled all over India and founded more Maths, Gathered knowledge and inspired young Indians. 

  • Exploration of India  
Swami Vivekanand explored the whole India. While exploring the nation he found poverty and backwardness among the masses. As per Swami Vivekanand masses required two types of help. One to improve their economic conditions and another to build moral strength in them. To accomplish this Swamiji started a programme to educate and improve thoughts and lifestyle of masses.

  • Parliment of world's religions 

In 1893 Swami Vivekanand traveled to the west and represented India and Hinduism at The Parliment of world's religions, which was held in Chicago. His turn came towards the afternoon, Initially nervous Swami Vivekanand started his speech with "Sisters and brothers of America". These words hit everyone in the arena, Seven thousand people gave standing ovation to this which lasted for Two minutes. In his speech, he presented Hinduism as a religion which taught tolerance and universal acceptance to the world. On the last day of Parliment, he ended his speech with lessons like "Help and not Fight" "harmony and peace not dissension". After the Parliment of world's religions, Swami Vivekanand got worldwide recognition and was followed by many students and organizations.

  • Journey to Heaven
Swami Vivekanand had already told his students that he will not live more than 40 years. On the morning of 4th July 1902, Swamiji taught Sanskrit Grammer and Shukla-yajur-veda to his students and then went for Dhyan. He told his students not to disturb and while he was in Dhyan he died because he went to state called  'Mahasamadhi'.

This was a simple introduction to the life of Swami Vivekanand, There are so many incidents, examples and quotes from his life which we will see in later posts.   


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